Santa Barbara Project
Santa Barbara Project
By Nathaniel Gray & Jana Brody
“Sit Behind the Nets! Is written by me, an outspoken grieving daughter, after my mother was hit by a foul ball at Dodger Stadium and died of head trauma.
Alerting the media I speak out encouraging changes for fan safety in Major League Baseball. Combining published articles, quotes, and personal perspectives the story unfolds in real-time over three years. It was a healing journey for me as well as an essential advocacy campaign.
There was no account of this story in the news. Six months after it happened I googled “death by foul balls” and read a report from earlier the same year. Ironically, before the start of the 2018 season nets were extended past the dugouts. An article stated injuries were going down and that there hasn't been a death since 1970.
So I sent a short reply message to the reporter asking, “How can I get that statistic changed? My mother died in August 2018.” ESPN published the story along with the last photo of Mom ever taken; sitting in her loge seat wearing Dodger Blue.
The article went viral and I was bombarded by journalist interviews.
The rest is literally history, which you can follow if you type Linda Goldbloom in your search bar, or read my whole book and learn the whole story.
Sharing my mom's legacy with the world meant her death was not in vain. The memoir was healing to me and informative to others. The story has made an impactful change. I am thrilled to announce that the Dodgers have extended their nets down the entire foul line and have raised them behind the plate where Mom was unprotected. Four years after my mother’s story broke, and a dozen other injuries were caught on camera, netting improvements have been mandated in all Major League and Minor League stadiums.
The advocacy continues as I am still using my voice for good, hoping the MLB Spring Training facilities, colleges, and high schools extend the nets for fan safety as well. This was a preventable trauma. No baseball fan (or player) should have to go through this ever again.
Words are powerful. I encourage you to find your voice in any way that empowers you.
Share your voice. Tell your story. Make an impact.”
~ Jana Brody